Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Amazing spiderman

The temperature dropped suddenly, and there was chaos in the middle of New York ....lizard was throwing cars violently around the city, creating chaos.  So Spiderman flew in to save the day. He tried to save the day but there was just no hope, lizard was to powerful. In the end spider man said to himself, "I have to save the day." Consequently lizard threw a car at Spiderman, but he amazingly caught it. Then spider man threw it back and it knocked lizard out cold. So then Spiderman killed lizard and saved the day as always.                                                 


  1. Wow Tyler, that was a great 100 word challenge! I like how you used the word 'consequently' as a opener! Rember to put a comma after your opener! Did you get that idea from spiderman the movie!

  2. Tyler you writing is really good but your repeating your self where it said i have to save the day you put it twice but every thing else look ok well done

  3. wow i would have never guest you like spider man


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