Saturday, 30 March 2013

100 Word Challenge

“Happy birthday!” I stood, stunned at what just happened. “Wow, thanks!” I shouted. My everyone there started coming up, giving me gifts. Half of them were Easter eggs, the other half, proper gifts. I hate having my birthday at Easter. Most people give you Easter eggs. Like I don’t get enough! Looking at all that chocolate started to make me queasy. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. Waking up in a hospital room, I didn't know what was happening. Slamming the door against the wall, a tall doctor came in. He came over to me and contacted me in the eye with his terrifying stare...


  1. Sounds a bit of a weird doctor.

    1. Yes, true.

    2. Almost as if he was not a doctor.

  2. Well done Betty , that was really good . Why not visit my blog page and comment . From Emily at Hillside

  3. hey hey betty i really likes ths and may be you can write a next part xx


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