Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Amazing Animal Facts

Amazing Animal Facts

At top speed a jack rabbit can clear 15 feet in a single leap.
A special underpass has been constructed, under the M5, to allow badgers to cross the road safely.
A baby hare can run 5 minutes after it’s born.
King penguins, living on a remote islands, have been known to fall over backwards, after first setting eyes on a human.
An electric eel can give you a shock of 440 volts.
Oysters can suffer from jet-lag.
The South African woolly monkey, uses it’s tail as hammock.
When elephants wade across a really deep river, they use their trunks as snorkels.
In Germany, there is a special road sign, to warn motorists of a deaf cat crossing.
A french chimpanzee, called Henri, rides around on a motorcycle and offers lifts to anyone brave enough to hitch a ride.

If you want to hear more ‘Amazing Animal Facts’ more will be out soon.


  1. Some great facts, I especially like the one about the deaf cat in Germany and that oysters have jet lag.

  2. This is a test comment


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