Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The Avengers Part 1

                             The Avengers Part 1
 It was an extremely dark night when there was a huge crash of lighting and it was the deadly villain...LOKI the brother of the mighty thor.  He tried to steal the tesseract from shield resident Nick fury...Nick fury began to assemble the avengers......consequently Nick fury assembled the avengers now they are on the quest to find loki so they can get the tesseract back from loki.

Loki is planning on world domination and he is going destroy the city if the avengers don't stop him. he is taking over people's minds. he is making a machine that opens a portal to asgard. they found Loki in germany,iron man and captain America caught him and took him to the helicarrier and they put him in a massive glass cage. After a while he managed to escape and then Thor got trapped and hawkeye made 2 of the engines on the helicarrier stop working and iron man started one of the engines again and  they were up and running again.    To be continued


  1. very good
    good use of descriptive words

  2. did you cpy that from the movie


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