Friday, 19 October 2012


                                                Newport caravan site
Every Friday I come up to the caravan in Newport caravan site Hemsby. The caravan is always clean and tidy. There is also a football pitch close to our caravan on site were we play football matches.We like to play in the park because there are swings,a climbing frame surrounded by sand. sometimeTayle let me play with nerf gunsAt 7pm theres a two pee stamped in the amusments. In Hemsby theres a beach. Theres a fish a chip shop. Then we clean and tidy up for the next time we visit our peaceful caravan. Next we pack, then we load the car. Atfer that we get in the car to start our jouney home.
That's my story by
Tee-jay Keating


  1. thats good :)

  2. that's great Tee-jay.

  3. tee-jay i will come see you in your caravan in the summer holidays because i will be on holiday in hembsy


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