Monday 16 December 2013

My dog's

My dog's

This post is about my dogs and our relationship between us.

My first dog was called Dexter Dan and he was a cooker spaniel who loved to meet new people and cuddle and kiss everyone and everything.  Dexter was born in October and we got him for a Christmas present even though my mum swore that she wouldn't get another dog after what happened with her other dog before i was born.  Me and my dad and my sister would used to take him to the woods and play with him and meet new people and dogs.  Dexter died on the first day on my family's holiday to Greece on July the 17th 2012.  When Dexter Died he was nearly 2 years old.

The second dog i had and still have is called Mollie and she is a girl and her breed is a pacajack (jack Russell cross patadale terrier) and she is the most energetic dogs i have ever seen in my life.  Every dogs my mum has brought we have had a nick name for them and Mollie's was Moster or Mollie the Monster. This Christmas i hope to get another dog and if i do i hope it is a cuddly one ,because i love cuddle's.

This post was about my dog's that i have had.  please comment the dogs you have had or the dogs you wish you had because dreams can come true.

The breed of dog i wish i had is a collie bitch or a huskey.

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