Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Pied Piper of hamelin

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Children played in the streets and kept everywhere tidy it was a quiet place to live. Every body was nice. The smell of the bakers bread filled the air .The dogs sat out side the butchers door waiting for scraps.
Suddenly rats came and ate all the food and messed all the houses up . The mayor shouted at every one who can get rid of the rats pied piped used his piper to get rid of the rats. They went into the cheese. Mayor gave him one pound


  1. Wow great story I would really like to hear more you must be great at writing story's

    From Aiyahna

  2. Wow awesome story my brother eats fast to I loved the way you put the picture on there it would be even better if you painted it

    By Jahydee

  3. i cant wait to see the rest ofyour fantastic work


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