Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Hamelin was a happy and peaceful town every one worked. Children played with skipping ropes and balls in the town square. The mayor was sitting in his office. The smell from the butchers tempted the local dogs to sit at the back door waiting for any scraps to fall in their mouths. People were selling clothes and vegetables on their stalls. The smell from the fresh bread wafted through the town square.

Thousands of rats invaded Hamlin. The rats ate all the food. The Mayor said who will get rid of the rats? Who ever does will get a big brown bag of gold .The pied piper said I can get rid of the rats then you can give me that bag of gold. So the pied piper played his pipe and all the rats follow him and went in to the big cheese. Then the pied piper went back to the Mayor for his bag of gold but the Mayor gave him one coin. The pied piper was very angry and so he took the children up to the mountain where there was loads of candy.

Thousands of rats invaded Hamelin and ate all of the food. 

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