Saturday, 21 December 2013

Fish tanks

                                                  My mum's fish tank.

My mum is mad on fish tanks we've only got a little fish tank at the moment, but were getting a bigger one and better.  

                                     The setting of the fish tank.

For the back round we've got an stone affect, for the bottom we've got little stones, a log in the corner, 2 bushes each side, pump stuck to the back bit of glass, a mini  panted fish but bigger enough to see, a couple of shells splattered around the place, also 3 stones 2 littleish stones equally spassed from the side and a long stone laying on top it looks really nice. 

                                 Fish in the Tank.

We've got a fish that cleans the tank around on the glass, a shark, a fish that has a blue line that goes across its belly. And me, my brother Charlie, and my dad took my mum to Taverham- (Don't know hot to spell that shop.) And bought her some fish me and my brother bought her 2 crabs 4.99 each Then my dad bought her a crab and 5 tiger like fish, then we bought her a jelly fish that hangs on string to float IT LOOK'S REALLY NICE. My mum loves it 
And there my mums presents for Christmas.

Then were buying my dad a "MAN" helicopter Cause he wants one from b&m it costs  29.99 pound Can not wait to see is face on Christmas morning.      
Do you have a fish tank and what fish, Also CHECK OUT THE OTHER BLOGGERS POSTS THERE BRILLIANT TO.  

We got my mums fish 21St of December 2013.


  1. Fish tanks are cool!

  2. nice work molly!!

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