Friday, 18 October 2013

Seasonal Poems


Ahh the fresh air, the barbecue, but the best thing is the the swimming.  The nice hot water.  Scuba diving whatever I don't care as long as I feel the hot summer air.  Although the fun with all the hot air wont last with care the cold breeze will fill the air.   Now these days are pretty boring too all you do is sit at home and read all day.  Nothing better then the summer holidays.


The orange and yellow leaves flying from the trees.  End of summer now.  Soon the winter will come running down.  Halloween is the major event, the little children running down the roads dressed ridiculously, but I guess it's not that bad all you do is stay around and have a little chat.

What's your favourite season?

Comment the name of it.

Personal opinion:  My favourite is Summer because I get to the beach.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite season is summer because I can spend a lot of time with friends and family to do you have any more reasons on why summer is yours.


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