Thursday, 14 February 2013

jokes for you


  1. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? 
  2. Frostbite

1. Where do snowmen keep their money?
2. In snow banks.

   1.  What's brown and sticky?
        2. A stick.   
                        1. What dog keeps the best time?
                             2. A watch dog.
                          1.What dog keeps the best time?
                                        2.  A watch dog

                                                            Valentine day jokes

                         1. What did the valentines day card say to the stamp? 
                                           2. Stick with me and you'll go places 


                                             1.What did the chocolate syrup say to the ice cream?
                                                                             2.  "I'm sweet on you!" 

                                    1. Why is Valentine's Day the best day for a celebration?
                                                                     2.  Because you can really party hearty!

                                          What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? 
                                    "I love you a ton!" 



1 comment:

  1. What did the sofa say to the curtains?
    For goodness sake pull yourself together ha ha


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