Wednesday, 30 May 2012



In year 6 we have been learning about alcohol and the danger that you could be getting yourself into.

Did you know that 40% of the people in hospital is there because of alcohol?

Did you know that 20% of the house fires are caused by liquid or alcohol in the UK?

Most drunk drivers are more likely to get injured on an empty road than a road full of cars!

Over 10% of alcohol drinkers can die because of alcohol.



  1. Max B Glen Hills19 June 2012 at 09:03

    Nice comments! Very interesting.

  2. Wow thats really intresting to read!

  3. wow its really intresting to read!

  4. Max that was amazing

  5. Hello my name is Sabiha I am from Cheetham Community School and what you have learnt is right because in our School we have been doing the same.

  6. I never new that alcohol can cause so much damage! Thank you for telling me what drinking can do to you.

  7. Amazing!
    I love the way you said:"Did you know ..."
    Maybe you could include some more information


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