Going up to high school
Going up to High School will be nerve racking. You don't know whether you are going to get bullied on the first day, or make more friends than you already have. At least I have some mates that are going up to Sewell Park College along with me. Their names are Lewis, Jessie, Megan, Jacob, Bailey, Adam and Charli.
So I am not going to be alone in a new school. At least I know my way around some of the school. I'm not saying all of it. We have 7 weeks left of being a little kid and do what little kids do. In High School we have to step up a mark, and become as mature as possible. Be on time every day. No more playing around. Messing about. Talking about random things.
Depending on what subject you have difficulties on, you need to crack down and work as hard as you can to improve in everything. By the end of Year 6 we should be able to right an amazing story, review, diary entry, newspaper report, a normal report, bascically anything to do with Literacy. So we know what to expect in High School.
If anyone could give me some image of how hard or easy High School is, all would be appreciated. Thank you