Friday, 17 December 2010

Santa Sweetie Holders

This was our final crafty activity before we break up for the Christmas Holidays.

Again all our activities have come from RedTedArt and her excellent Christmas in the Classroom series on the Guardian website.

These Santa sweetie holders were quite easy to make, were not to fiddly and didn't involve lots of glue.

In making them we also managed to challenge the use of Toilet Rolls and Egg boxes in school art activities and finally 'broke the ban'. The Health and Safety executive included it as one of their Myths of the Month in 2007.

Here are some photos. You may notice that Santa has a variety of different coloured noses (someone had already raided the artstock for small red pom poms!)


  1. Hooray for toilet roll ban myths being broken!! And I LOVE your Santas, they are all fabulous! And with non red noses they all have individual characters. Fabulous.

    Thank you for giving them a go and enjoying them!

    (red ted art)

  2. They would have looked lovely on my table on Christmas Day, maybe next year ...


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