Friday, 17 December 2010

Santa Sweetie Holders

This was our final crafty activity before we break up for the Christmas Holidays.

Again all our activities have come from RedTedArt and her excellent Christmas in the Classroom series on the Guardian website.

These Santa sweetie holders were quite easy to make, were not to fiddly and didn't involve lots of glue.

In making them we also managed to challenge the use of Toilet Rolls and Egg boxes in school art activities and finally 'broke the ban'. The Health and Safety executive included it as one of their Myths of the Month in 2007.

Here are some photos. You may notice that Santa has a variety of different coloured noses (someone had already raided the artstock for small red pom poms!)

Friday, 10 December 2010

Stained Glass (Tissue) Windows

This is our third post following the fantastic art activities from RedTedArt. Which are also featured in the Guardian's Christmas in the Classroom series.

They were quite simple to make, we did have a few accidents with a couple of windows sticking to the desks. We put that down to some over zealous glueing.

They look really lovely, especially when the light shines through them. Please note, the bottom picture was done by our talented classroom assistant.

Monday, 6 December 2010

(Not Quite Symmetrical) Cotton Bud Snowflakes

Our second Christmas art activity from Red Ted Art Blog is cotton bud snowflakes.

On Red Ted's Art blog the snowflakes are decorated with beads, but we didn't have beads, so we used glitter instead. Yes, that did mean a little bit of mess and a sparkly floor for the cleaners to clear up, but was worth it in the end.

We have put these snowflakes up on our class windows so the light will reflect off the glitter (when it isn't such a grey day).

This is what they look like

Friday, 3 December 2010

Swedish Hearts

The time is here for making Christmas decorations. So we have decided to get some fantastic ideas from Red Ted Art Blog.

Each day in the run up to Christmas the blog features a new decoration or Christmas related craft activity, and instructions on how to make it. These can also be found on the Guardian website (in case your over protective Local Education Authority bans access to blogs like our does!).

So last week we made Swedish Hearts, these are a little fiddly for young fingers, but teaches perseverance and fine motor control.

Here are some we made.

Here are some of our happy class members with their Swedish Hearts.