Monday, 23 September 2013

Don't Rat On a Mouse

Don't badger a groundhog.
Don't swallow a grouse.
Don't bulldog a poodle.
Don't rat on a mouse.

Don't parrot a peacock.
Don't buffalo moose.
Don't hawk a flamingo
Don't duck from a goose.

Don't ferret out weasels.
Don't crab at a shark.
Don't hound a chihuahua.
Don't crow at a lark.

Don't ram an alpaca.
Don't leech off a worm.
Don't bat at a squirrel
and don't bug a germ.

Don't slug a sea snail.
Don't tick off a louse.
Don't ape a gorilla.
Don't rat on a mouse.

Just take some advice
and remember this clue:
if you leave them alone
they won't monkey with you!

--Kenn Nesbitt

Friday, 6 September 2013

Summer Haiku Poems 2013

At the start of each academic year, a new 6M class writes Haiku poems about summer

Here are lasts years and here are Haikus from 2010 (I can't find the ones from 2011)
Haikus have a pattern 5-7-5 syllables.
Have all the pupils managed to keep to the Haiku pattern?

Scorching hot seagulls
Happiness ice cream sun cream
Salad screaming kids

Jacuzzis are hot
People doggy paddle
Ice creams are so nice

Scorching relaxing
Cold chilled water sun sand
Everyone has fun.

Hot beaches are cool.
Hot BBQ are burning .
Cold waves are smashing.

Drinking freezing cold drinks
Relaxing fiery fierce heat
Tropical weather

Smile seagulls laugh
Ice cream shells picnics sun cream
Camping flip flops shades

Holidays are fun                                                             
Having water fights all day                                     
Playing at the beach                                                    

Josh O
Refreshing ice cream
Cold water flowing freely
Chilling by the pool.  

Refreshing swimming
Kids filled with joy and laughter
Building sand castles.

Holidays are cool
Going to play everyday
Playing with my friends

Swimming all day long
Kids having fun on the sand
fast waves coming now

Waterfalls splashing
Ice cream selling for people
Grass turning yellow

Holiday camping
Scuba diving ocean hot
Amazing funfair

BBQs lighting
Relaxing with cold ice cream
Everyone has fun

Refreshing picnic
Relaxing holiday joy
Laughter all day long

Refreshing ice cream
Sand castles water slides waves
Playing happily

Holidays are cool
Super cold ice lollies
Swimming joy all day

Refreshing swimming
Sausages on BBQs
Sun bath in the pan

Refrshing ice cream
Playing ball at the seaside
Seagulls Flying

Scorching sun boiling
We all become very hot
The BBQ burns